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Take a Model Test

In order to familiarize yourself about the pattern of question paper, you may attempt model test papers.

Get it evaluated instantly on submission of test paper....Experience the feel of Real Test!

Please go through the Instructions carefully before taking the test.

Instructions for appearing the Model Test:

  1. The question paper consists of objective type questions only.
  2. For every question, you will find four / five alternative answers. To select your answer, click on the radio button next to the alternative.
  3. In case you want to change the answer click on any other desired alternative.
  4. If you do not wish to answer a question, make sure that the alternative 'I am not attempting this Question' is selected.
  5. Please remember wrong answers carry negative marks.
  6. After completing the test, press the 'done' button. A list of questions attempted as well as not attempted will appear along with the two options, viz, 'Go back to question paper' or 'Submit answer paper'.
  7. In case you want to go back to your question paper, to recheck your answers, click on the 'Go back to question paper button'.
  8. Click on the 'Submit question paper' button to submit the paper and result will be displayed on the screen.
Updated on: 04/11/2024