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Blockchain Technologies

20 Hours No Expiry Online Self-Paced

For more Information 
Counsellor: +91 9372500961 / +91 8591297096

Email ID: gen_pdp@nse.co.in

Blockchain technology is helping organizations reduce administrative overhead costs, speed up the transactional time and streamline processes. India has not remained untouched by this wave of disruption. Companies in the country are widely adopting the Blockchain technology across several industries such as banking and financial services, transportation, supply chain and government.

  • Module 1: Blockchain: Introduction, History and Evolution
  • Module 2: Crypto Currencies, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contacts
  • Module 3: How Public and Private Blockchain Function
  • Module 4: Use Cases
  • 1-Year of Access Get LMS access for one year
  • In-course exercises files to help apply knowledge in real-world situations
  • Joint certificate will be awarded by Grant Thornton & NSE Academy upon completion.
  • Learn practical concepts of Blockchain technology.
  • Online Self-Paced Learn at your convenience
  • Get ready with specialized skills sets.
Updated on: 12/12/2024